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Business owners, employees, parents, children... we all need to understand the importance of resilience. In these challenging times we need to focus on our commitment and our personal control. ⁣

What can we be doing better to develop a resilient mindset and attitude? ⁣

🔅Get enough sleep and exercise, learn to manage stress! ⁣

🔅Practice though awareness, ensuring negative thoughts don’t derail our efforts ⁣

🔅Learn from mistakes and failures. Find the lesson in each situation⁣

🔅Choose to respond rather than react⁣

🔅Maintain perspective and try not to blow events out of proportion⁣

🔅Build your confidence, resilient people are confident they will succeed! ⁣

🔅Adjust, be flexible and understand that things change and may not go as planned ⁣

🔅Follow your SMART goals. If you haven’t set your goals, look at our post in Dec 19 ⁣

🔅Build strong relationships with colleagues and friends, so that you have a support network to fall back on⁣

How we view adversity and stress strongly affects how we succeed, and this is one of the most significant reasons that having a resilient mindset is so important. Where will you begin in developing resilience? ⁣

* we’re starting with exercise and more sleep!🙌🏼

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